Indie podcasters: the moment you publish your very first episode, you are going to be tempted to launch a Patreon page, sell t-shirts and pins, or even look for sponsors. Don’t do that. Here’s why. /1
The only thing you should be focused on for at least the first six months is pouring 100% of your time and energy into making your show better. Every moment you spend on setting up crowdfunding or merch fulfillment is time that could have been spent on improving quality. /2
Aim for better storytelling and production. Look for patterns in early critical reviews and fix those rough spots. Ask listeners to share your show with their friends. Seek out expert advice. But don’t spend time on the things that won’t move the needle. /3
No, I can’t tell you when those other things become allowable. Your show’s format and genre will determine its ceiling, and your growth will be unique to you. But if you’re only getting 100 downloads a day, there are probably more important things to be focused on. /4
Look, I get it. Having a Patreon page and earning money feels “official”. Everyone loves seeing their artwork on a t-shirt or a coffee mug. It can make you feel like you’ve “made it”. But all that is distraction when your show is new and needing your attention. /5
Hey, run your show however the hell you want. Maybe you’re happy doing this as a cheap hobby. But if you have dreams of recouping your expenses, earning a small profit, or even going full-time, your road to success is through quality content, not branded t-shirts. /6
So go build your show. Treat it like a skill that you can get better at. Improve the quality over time, and when you’ve finally built momentum and hit your stride, then—and only then—give energy to other things. And remember: it’s all about progression, not perfection. /7
You can follow @amahnke.
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