I think one of the most disturbing parts of our current situation is this new mindset of treating people as disease vectors and nothing more. An inner monologue of "Am I killing someone by **living**?" that seems to have taken over society.
We've always been and always will be carriers of disease. It used to be that was innately understood by humanity and didn't affect us all on a daily and individual basis.
These self righteous "I wear a mask to save *your* life" posts are insidious. The "stay home to keep *me* safe" posts are pernicious.

This cannot be the new normal. We cannot function always wondering if someone is about to kill us by merely existing in our proximity.
I'm sure eventually, most people will get over their fears, but I'm seeing a lot of people who never used to behave that way for anything else treating this virus like it's the Apocalypse, when despite how bad it is, is not nearly catastrophic enough to warrant that response.
I'm sorry, but a fatality rate of less than 0.5% (per CDC) is not severe enough to completely and permanently reshape life as we know it. It's just not.

All that said I'm not particularly optimistic about people regaining their sanity. Optimism would be out of character for me.
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