*Straight couple in animation exists*
Conservatives: *silence*

* #LGBT couple in animation exists*
Conservatives: "Sexualization of kids media!"

See the difference? Using broad strokes here bc surely not all conservatives think like that but I saw it again today. (1/4)
There is this very annoying tendency in some circles to equate an LGBT kiss with sex while a straight kiss is some pure non-sexual act. Showing a happy male couple in a cartoon as in "Out" instantly leads to accusations of "sexualization" (2/4)
The implication is that LGBT love doesn't exist, it's just sex. As if children wouldn't simply learn that two men can be in love just like their parents are. I don't even understand the actual thought process bc it's so outlandish. (3/4)
I don't really know where to go with this thread, I think I just needed to vent bc this bothers me so much. The LGBT community is more sex-positive, sure, but destroying a sweet moment in animation like "Out" with a bigoted adult mindset is just so sad and wrong. (4/4)
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