America is always way closer to re-instituting the Bloody Code than they are to getting rid of prisons.
Say what you will about Americans, but we are inhumane assholes to the incarcerated portion of our population, and a significant percentage of the country sees no problem with that.
Like if tomorrow, Trump said he wanted to bring back the death penalty for ALL drug offenses, he'd easily get more than a third of the country to support it. That's sick, but that is who Americans are right now. And who we have been. We are addicted to retributive justice models.
There's really no upside to this thread. I don't see us changing in my lifetime. And if we do, it'll be due to the tireless work of prison activists who have the sisyphean task of convincing Americans that people who go to prison are still human.
The worst part is this is a both sides issue. Sure, right-leaning people love prisons and cops way more, but there are plenty of white liberals who call the cops all the time for minor offenses. They love the "protection" that comes from being able to disappear people.
End of thread.

Abolish prisons. They don't make anybody safer, they don't rehabilitate shit, they cost us too much to maintain, they spread disease like crazy, and they stain us as a country.
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