GROOS !!! there is this account on instagram that has been reposting tweets and edits from my account and a lot of popular twitter groos. they've been giving credit but they have never asked me for my permission to (cont.)
post any of my tweets, so i can't imagine they've done the same with anyone else. i know it makes me very uncomfortable to see my tweets and edits on instagram without my permission so i thought i would tell other people because they may feel the (cont.)
same way i do. they've reposting tweets from a LOT of my mutuals, but a lot of other people as well. and please retweet this !! i want people who's tweets have also been reposted to know that they have as well.
i've message them asking to take my posts down but they haven't responded yet. if you see they've stolen your tweets though i'd encourage you to tell them + hopefully with enough pushback they will take them down.
and thank you @sosocore for bringing this to my attention !!
i found another account that does this as well. i'm not sure whether they contact any of the accounts about posting so if you see your tweets there PLEASE dm them !!
You can follow @fairyariaz.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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