Imagine being so invested in a shitty movie that you blame its failure on GamerGate and Trump supporters, as if either of them ever had the mainstream clout to influence people who would have otherwise seen the movie into skipping it instead.
You might have a more convincing case were the reality not that the mainstream media has been blaming both groups for everything since their respective inceptions, including the trailer's poor reception.
As such, it's unlikely that anyone in the general public who was interested in seeing GB 2016 would have been swayed by the supposed machinations of the two much-maligned groups into skipping it instead.
No, what actually happened is that Sony deleted the majority of reasonable comments on the trailer, leaving up only the ones it deemed as misogynistic along with those that were especially enthusiastic about the film so as to generate a narrative ahead of it's likely failure.
If the expected happened they could simply sweep that failure under the rug and pretend as if were no fault of their own. If by some chance it had succeeded despite itself, they could pretend as if it were a win for feminism.
This tactic has gone on to be employed by studios perhaps half a dozen times since, and just like it did back in 2016, the MSM has gladly perpetuated that narrative each time a female-lead film fails at the box-office without giving it any critical thought whatsoever.
It couldn't be that the films are just bad, or that they often actively alienate their potential male audiences in their marketing (likely to help foster this narrative in case of box-office failure). No, it has to be that people suddenly give a shit about GG and Trump supporters
The hilarious thing about narratives like this is that they are predicated on the assumption that the general public is too stupid to come to its own conclusions about even the simplest of things, and are highly susceptible to outside influence. That's pretty offensive, ya think?
Now, in a just world, the fact that you push such a ridiculous narrative while claiming to be a "fact-checker" would undermine you, but your grift works precisely because folks aren't interested in the facts. As long as the bullshit you peddle confirms their biases, they're happy
Oh, and of course she also mentions Captain Marvel as if it makes her point, when whether you like it or not it's hard to argue that it wasn't successful. If those misogynists existed they clearly weren't all that effective, so there's your entire argument done in.
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