#ChronicIllness pro tip: you can homeschool from bed.

It will go better if
- you're dressed. Comb your hair & wash your face if you can't manage clothes. Children can bring a damp face cloth & comb, or keep wipes & comb by your bed. You will feel much more capable after!
- your bed is made. Have someone make it for you- even with you in it, if necessary! Children can do this, too.
- curtains are open for max light
- don't try to multitask too much. It's just frustrating for you AND the kids, and you need as little friction as possible.
- prop yourself up on your pillows like a queen & reign cheerfully over your little bed homeschool. Even if all you can do is read aloud or listen to books together- that's education! And your children seeing you doing your best to do your duty pleasantly is capital-e Education.
P.S. If you teach them during the toddler years to come when you call, you can do quite a bit of parenting from bed, too 😉

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