Thread for Deshaun King sightings..

With MLK in 1961 as an athlete named Cassius Clay prepared for a bout with Duke Sabedong in Las Vegas.
Accompanying Marvin Gaye in 1975 at the Cheeks nightclub in London.
With members of MOVE as they gather in front of their house in the Powelton Village neighborhood of Philadelphia in 1978.
In Ghana earlier this year for the launch of his new fashion brand, tAlCumsEz.
Here's a couple of other products from the launch.
Marching from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 with MLK
Malcolm with Talcum, Washington D.C, 1963.
At a rally in Lakeview in 1965.
Apart from his civil rights activism, Deshaun boasts a rich history of involvement in quite a number of sports.

In this photo he's celebrating in New York with Sugar Ray Robinson after he defeated Rocky Graziano in 1952.
Attending the 1985 wedding of Ahmad Rashad to Phylicia in New York. (pls note Ahmad Rashad's groomsmen🤪😂)
Malcolm with Talcum at a protest in Harlem in 1965. This time they're joined by Louis Farrakhan.
Leading the anti-Iranian protests in Washington D.C in 1979.
Marking the first anniversary of the Stonewall riots in 1970 with a march down Christopher Street in New York. This event is also famous for being the first Gay Pride Parade in US history.
Supporting Team USA at the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Wise words to ponder, from one of the foremost thinkers in America today.
Over the years, Deshaun has frequently travelled overseas, conducting numerous interviews as well as researching for his upcoming book, "COLOR FINE, I'll be wateva mf color i want, bitch!"

In this photo taken in 1975, Deshaun and 13 others pledge loyalty to Idi Amin in Uganda.
Celebrating with Ernesto Che Guevara after he defeated Batista's army on NYE, 1959 in Santa Clara, Cuba.
Counselling Nelson Mandela during his long trial for Treason in Pretoria, South Africa in 1958.
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