@scottgordonwi I couldn't sleep last night so I tried making a mental list of all the coffee shops in Evanston when we lived there. Here's my progress report for you.
Easy -- the mainstays -- Unicorn Cafe, Kafein, Cafe Mozart
Italian Coffee Bar was around the corner from our apartment. Cafe Liquid (Liquid Cafe) was by the post office. Then there were Starbuckses... one on Sherman and one on Main I think.
Oh and Brothers K, which had also been something else -- that ended up being the closest place to the apartment Lindsay and I moved into after we got married.
Here are my blank spots. There was a mini-chain of shops that had a location I think by the Main or Dempster el stop and then maybe another location up north? And then there was a gigantic place on... Orrington? That was so big profs sometimes held classes there.
Am I forgetting anything? Of course, I also worked out of that Borders a lot. And Golden Olympic and the Celtic Knot. But that unlocks a whole other category of places that I just *treated* like coffeeshops... ;-)
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