it’s important to note that every single pundit who’s ever written a “I don’t agree with his style or vulagarity but on policy he’s not bad” take is today morally responsible for the president digitally violating the corpse of a private widower who’s begged for him to stop
trump and the pundits committed this desecration together, hand in hand, and there’s no separating the two
how could we have possibly known he would go this far? asked the folks who stood aside in tacit support as the president mocked a disabled reporter and bragged about pussy grabbing and savaged the parents of a dead soldier
this part is important and is why I’m making a special point of spelling it out: the reason trump is publicly violating the beloved memories of a private citizen is because joe scarborough went against the family, and this is trump sending a message to other potential defectors
he wants the balls & strikesers to know what happens if they ever try to quit the game and fly straight: he’ll go after dead family of people they once knew in passing
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