Argghh... @CircleCI, why do you keep doing good things the wrong way?
1st, no actually useful API to manage tens of micro-projects' settings from an automation repository
2nd, you added context, but no API or multi-context use
You send people to discuss and share ideas, but it's really useless.
People discuss and share ideas, yet basic cases go un-addressed for years.
I am not the only decision maker in my company, but I am pressing to move towards better tools.
For me, your attitude is a deal breaker.
This is just bad @CircleCI
I am trying to get something to work correctly, and your implementation of environment variables is simply bad, I have no other way to describe it, it goes wrong in so many common cases, no ideas or community website can help
Seriously, no definition of regular environment variable vs. secret environment variable?
If I want to set something at the context level, say production vs. staging, all values will be scrubbed from output although they are merely flags
So if I set an environment variable's value to "direct", I need to assume "******ory" means "directory", **** the fuck?
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