Let's start a thread collating all the "inconsistencies" in the Cummings Presser into one place! Should be quite a read!
It would appear his wife CAN drive, after all! This would have resolved the necessity to concoct an utterly implausible story about driving to Barnard Castle to "test his eyesight" with his 4 year old strapped in the back to increase the carnage should it prove defective.
The day he drove to Barnard Castle to "test his eyesight" was, by pure chance, his wife's birthday.

A pleasant beauty spot, a pretty river, a playful scamper in the woods...?

Yes, that's the eyesight checked then!
Cummings claims to have driven to hospital to pick up his four year old whilst his wife says he was lying "doggo" in bed after collapsing. Barely able to twitch? Couldn't stand up? But still able to drive safely! Remarkable achievement!

Check the timeline. It's true...
As he left, unaware the camera was still on him, Cummings smirked and giggled to himself as he left. Telltale signs of a psychopathic personality. They call it "Duper's Delight", I'm reliably informed by @emmyzen
Why did Cummings return to work knowing his wife was displaying symptoms? He knew the rules stated clearly that if anyone in your household showed #Covid19 symptoms you must self isolate for 14 days. He didn't. He immediately went back to work potentially infecting others.
A blog he wrote in 2019 was "amended" in April 2020 to include reference to #Coronavirus making it appear (to those who don't understand how the internet works!) that Cummings has a prophetic gift and is therefore probably a minor deity. At least.
Read this: it's devastating and shames every journalist who had time to formulate such questions in the Rose Garden but failed to do so in time: 👇
He failed to recall whether he filled up his gas guzzler even once in a round trip which would have totalled in excess of 600 miles! If he didn't, damn it - I wan't that car!

Funny - he could recall the exact place he jumped out the car for a Jimmy Riddle! 'cause he was spotted.
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