If there's one thing I learnt from school it's the motivation to gather information, process this information logically, and come to reasonable conclusions based on the info. There's been various studies propagating the "HCQ will kill you" narrative so let me tell you some...
...facts you probably don't know about HCQ. The idea is for you to make your own conclusions based on them.
HCQ is a drug that's been around for over 60 years and has been approved in the US for medical treatment since then. It's primarily a malaria drug but it's been used for
... none malaria related cases because it was discovered to be effective. It's not a drug that's new to off-label usage. Also it's on the WHO's list of essential medicine; the SAFEST and most effective medicines needed in a health system.
Can HCQ kill you; yes it can. But guess what? Your common paracetamol can kill you also. When you OD on it. So just like many other drugs out there, HCQ can kill you WHEN YOU OD' on it. Taken within prescriptions however, it's like most other drugs out there; safe.
So when you see irregular heart rhythm... death, it only used to be associated with HCQ in cases of OD for over 60 years, at least not until it was reported to treat Covid-19. And this is not the first time HCQ has been found effective against coronaviruses, this was 2015.
Here's a screenshot of the study
Also this study in 2011, of over 700 pregnant women, concluded that CQ and Az could be safely administered anytime during pregnancy
This is what the NHI said about the safety concerns of HCQ and Az when it was about to begin clinical trials: "while HCQ and Az are considered safe in most ppl they can cause side effects ranging from... to, RARELY, heart rhythm problems..."
We know what rarely means right?
This is from the recent Lancet study that said HCQ will cause you to die of heart rhythm problems. It's interesting to see that they clearly state; it's safe for other conditions but not Covid-19. Think about this; it's not safe for Covid-19 cause it can cause problems...
... to the heart. This risk of heart problem is not new with the drug when used for Covid-19, it's been there since the drug has been in existence and usually associated with overdose. So how is that this overdose side effect is not prevalent in other patients
... when taken within dosages, but is prevalent in covid-19 patients when taken "within dosages limits"? Please HOW?
Now I find this part funny; with how much hate you see from the leftist MSM for Trump, you'd think they'd be happy to hear him say he takes HCQ, with how deadly..
... it is supposed to be. But no they still bashed him for taking in preventively.

This thread is focused on the safety of HCQ. As for it's effectiveness on treating Covid-19, when combined with Az+Zn, that's a long story. And for every "study" against the HCQ combo, I can
... point 5 studies/facts for the HCQ combo. And what we're seeing with these "against" studies IMO is the antithesis of science; where research is carried out to debunk an existing truth. Take this for example; one of the earliest studies against HCQ in Brazil, peep the thread
I woul have posted links but something's wrong with my copy and paste.

There's one thing the "for" studies have that the "against" studies don't have; real life people (Doctors & Covid-19+ patients) who have testified positively to the HCQ combo for Covid-19. Have a go
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