I have no problem with shaming that woman, however. I believe it is prudent to allow for equal time to examine the conditions of that situation. It’s not just her willingness to use police violence for her personal means, but her entitlement to that public space
Every white person does this. Some of you do it less consciously and overtly than Amy Cooper but it is an extremely common behavior. For all the Amy in NYC, there were thousands of others who gave her the impression that she can do what she wanted and that space was hers.
I've seen a lot of white people showing their outrage and calling for Amy Cooper's head. But with all of them, I get the same vibe. They aren't just calling for justice. They are trying to disown Amy Cooper. They're saying 'that's not me!'
I'm a good one.
I see it with a lot of white 'anti-racism' It's easy to say 'all cops are bastards' and 'fuck Amy Cooper' cuz you're not a cop and you're not Amy Cooper. But then their work ends there. They don't examine deeply how their lives are upheld by white supremacy.
Amy Cooper is sacrificial lamb where all the white guilt can be placed. Every racist impulse or unacknowledged privilege can just be placed in her. She can be thrown off the cliff and forgotten about. And then it feels satisfying. 'I DID JUSTICE TODAY.' but you didn't
I hate Amy Cooper. Not just because of what she did, but because she gives white liberals and leftists an excuse to be lazy. It bugs me even worse than the conservatives bending themselves over backwards to defend her; I haven't seen this yet, but I'm assuming it's coming.
So the question for me is not 'what do you do to the Amy Coopers of the world? It's how do you make it so that the Amy Cooper's of the world see no benefit in those actions. And that's not just have public shaming as a deterrent.
It's about creating a world where the social order of things does not include white people at the top and Blacks as guests in public spaces, neighborhoods, work places organizations and institutions
It starts with you and where you are.
I'm not gonna get to deep into it, because it's not that kind of thread and I don't have all the answers. But suffice it to say, white reader. You are Amy Cooper. It feels shitty, but that's just a fact. Learn to cope...then do something about it.
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