To who i thought was the one

Maybe one day, i will forget the day that i met you.
Maybe one day, i will forget every "iloveyou , every "imissyou" and every "goodnight".
Maybe one day, i will forget the way you look at me like nothing else matters .

Or maybe i won't .
Maybe, just because you said you will marry someone and promised them the world, does not mean anything when you can't even break the distance between us .
Just because you said you will always love me, doesn't mean that you will stay the same .
Don't call me crazy for being afraid of losing you because we were once nothing to each other. And don't call me lazy because i did not put myself in the misery of fighting for us in the first place .
And now every "iloveyou" will be part of the backseat conversation .
But now, what was once a fairy tale story is a story that we mourn. Because our love died in my arms. Refusing to let go, i gave CPR.
Refusing to accept the death of our future, i tried so hard but whose grave do i go visit when i miss you ?
Because you're not really dead. You just left without warning .
Because after you said "i will marry you one day" You said "i need time to think" .
How the hell does someone go from naming children with each other to " i hope you have a good life"? But i do. I hope you have a good life too .
But just because i wish nothing but the best for you, does not mean i wasn't the best for you. It means you weren't the best for me .
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