Jack getting Gabe a cat for an anniversary present. A tiny little black cat with big blue eyes and bites every time he tries to pet it.

Jack’s always been a dog guy but cars are easier to leave behind if they have extended missions.

It just makes sense.
The kitten is a menace. It zooms between rooms and all over furniture. It likes to sleep in random boxes that Jack never finished unpacking from when they moved into their house.

If furniture has any space under it, a paw would reach out and attempt to claw an ankle.
But, the cat is, hands down, Gabe’s favorite thing Jack ever got him.

Jack comes home to Gabe sprawled on the couch for a nap with the cat curled into his neck.

Jack can’t stop the smile as he lets the cat then Gabe’s head.

His little family warms his heart.
When they fight, the cat always meows until they end up back in the same bedroom because she can’t decide who she wants to sleep with that night.

It helps them not go to bed angry.

A furry marriage counselor, Jack said once and Gabe agreed.
Gabe leaves more than Jack, who sends videos of the cat meowing at the door waiting for Gabe to come back.

Jack always asks the kitty where her other daddy is and she howls for him.

After the videos, Jack gives her treats and builds her more furniture to play with.
Gabe always says hi to her first when she comes home. She climbs up his leg to be held, head butting against Gabe’s chin.

Cute. Jack thinks as he swoops in for his attention. Kisses for Gabe and kisses for kitty.

Jack feels happy with his little family.
Jack hates being away from his brood, hates when Gabe sends videos of their cat pacing in front of the bathroom door like she thinks he’s stuck in there. Gabe opens the door for her and she farts in— only to come back out mewling in disappointment.

Jack’s heart aches.
Jack drops his stuff on the ground in the doorway just in time to catch a shadow in his grip when he comes home.

“And you didn’t even want a cat.”

“Stuff it, Reyes.”

“Oh, I plan to.”

Jack stands up for his welcome home kiss and feels the rumble of her purr.
Cat gets forcibly removed during sex after she tried to castrate Gabriel when they forgot she was in the room.

She cries until they let her back in.

“She might need kitty anxiety meds.” Gabe mumbles.

“I think she’s just trying not to have a little brother.” Jack laughs.
Jack always wonders if they should get another one.

Is she bored without a friend? Who knows?

Gabe brings one home without being prompted. Jack is shocked to see not one but two black cats though the new one has yellow eyes.

“Surprise?” Gabe says holding the cat.
Jack wants to be mad about it but the cat fits in with their family.

It warms his heart when he sees both of them curled up together on a cat tree he made.

“She can stay.” Jack relents.

Gabe grins and kisses his cheek.

“Good, cause I already made her collar.”

Jack laughs.
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