*People trying to cancel someone new everyday*

Cancel culture came after Lana Del Rey, Doja Cat, Jimmy Fallon, Joe Biden, and even Hillary Duff all in 1 week.
You all need to put down your pitchforks and stop running after imaginary “witches” especially when there isn’t enough evidence to justify the hunt.
Just because you read one thread on Twitter it doesn’t mean you’re Ronan Farrow.
I understand that it’s important to hold people accountable, but those Twitter cancel parties are getting ridiculous.
You can’t erase all the good things that a person has done and judge them based on 1 mistake. I bet if you do a quick background check on the people perpetuating cancel culture, you’ll find at least 5 things to cancel them for.
And btw, cancel culture doesn’t work the way you think it does. You’ve overused your “cancel” card and now it no longer holds any value. Everyone that you try to cancel ends up capitalizing on their notoriety.
We’ve seen this happen with so many brands. They put out a controversial ad. Everyone gets outraged and shares the f*** out of it. After they get the visibility they initially wanted, they apologize for being so tone-deaf, and the cancel wagon moves on to the next controversy.
I know that some of you have good intentions, and you genuinely want to make the world better and more inclusive. But in order to make that change, you need to work on your delivery. You’ll never be able to get your point across with that holier-than-thou attitude.
We need to create a safe space for people to be able to converse and learn by asking questions without being judged.
You can follow @SaintHoax.
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