I’m a Christian, and I’m here to tell you that I think opening churches back up right now is irresponsible.
“But Megan! What is everyone is wearing masks and keeps a 6ft social distance? Isn’t that ok?”
1. Masks are not enough protection. They’re the best we have, but people still get infected/infect others while wearing them.
2. If you seriously believe that people are actually going to keep the 6ft rule, you clearly haven’t been to a grocery store recently.
I HAVE to go to the grocery store. It’s a necessity - we can’t get groceries delivered, and my kids can’t live off air and grass. A physical church service is NOT a necessity (sorry). Online services aren’t the same, pastoral calls over Zoom aren’t the same...
...but they are the safest option right now, and keeping our community safe - whether that community attends church with us or not - should be our top priority. Not driving to a building to gather with a bunch of other people.
I should add the caveat that I haven’t attended church regularly since the birth of my youngest son. I miss it, and I miss my community...but even if I had been going 3 times a week for the past 20 years, I would be saying the same thing.
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