I had a poignant conversation with my 7yo this week. We were talking about Acts 20:24, where Paul says that he considers his life worth nothing to him, if only he can finish his course and complete the task Jesus has given him: the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
My daughter said she didn't consider her life worth nothing to her, actually it was very precious. I said her life was very precious to me too, but that following Jesus meant being willing to give up your life.
Jesus said, "Anyone who wants to come after me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." I explained that in our present country and time, following Jesus was very unlikely to mean literally dying, but that for many people at other times and in other places it had.
And as we talked, I realized how easy it is in the 21st century West to preach a cost-free gospel to our kids, and how poorly we will set them up for life if we do.

This plays out in multiple directions, but not least in the area of sex.
Are we leading our kids to expect that following Jesus will often mean not following their desires? Or are we setting them up for a shock when we tell them later how much following Jesus costs, and that it might cost the thing they at that moment most desire?
My oldest is 9, so I don't have any answers. But I'm pondering. In my bible time today I read:

"Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 16:25)

A sobering truth for parents, who want to save their kids lives.
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