Facts about the United States:

- One in every six children is in poverty

- There are nearly enough homeless people in the US to form their own state (Homeless pop. 554k; Wyoming pop. 578k)

- There are more Americans in prison than there are people in New Mexico.
- The poorest 80% of Americans own 7% of the wealth in the country.

- There are three times the number of vacant homes than there are homeless people (1.5m vacant homes)

- There are more people in the US without access to clean water than there are people Lithuania
- The poorest half of Americans - about 165m people - own collectively 1.6% if the wealth in the country.

- 5 men are worth 2% of US GDP.

- Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have more wealth than the combined wealth of the poorest 165m Americans
- Medical care costs represent 62% of all personal bankruptcy filings in the US.

- During the Vietnam War, 11 Americans were killed every day on average. In the US today, not being able to afford healthcare kills 71 people every day...
...If medical expenses were a conflict that lasted as long as the Vietnam War, it would have killed 364,000 Americans, making it more than three times as deadly to Americans than US involvement in World War One.
Just a little expansion:

- If US prisoners formed their own state, it would be the 36th largest in the United States.
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