Why old men being creepy bothers me

Why is it creepy when a man old enough to be my grandfather lets me know he's interested in me sexually? Am I being ageist? I ask myself that because I want to make sure I'm always fair.....
So I have to dig down and take this apart, not only for the steady stream of older gentleman who question why this is a problem, but for myself.

Please keep in mind that I'm trying to find out why this bothers 'me', this is personal, not general.
So let's start at 'what would I do?' How does this relate to my own personal morals. Are those morals or are they suggested by societal norms. Are those societal norms due to our American Puritanical roots or are they globally accepted?
And you can see how frustratingly foggy this whole idea is to me and why I feel like I need to get to the bottom of it.

Personally, I don't find men much younger than me attractive. I find them childlike.
I don't know if that's the way I was born or if other people feel the same way or if I've been influenced subtly throughout my life by laws or religion or what the fuck ever, but that's just how I feel. When I was a teenager I liked teenage boys.
When I was 20 I liked guys in their early 20s. Now that I'm in my 30s I like men in their 30s. So, if an alarm goes off in my brain personally when a man old enough to be my grandfather is sexually forward with me, I can explain right there, that it's not what I would do.
And if I have a gut, instant reaction without trying to figure out why...it's my subconscious saying that's aberrant behavior. Now, I'm not saying that it is aberrant behavior, I'm saying that's what's ringing my alarm.

Now, if we want to dig a little deeper and figure out why
that alarm bell sounds so fucking annoying to me I think it comes down to entitlement and the privilege of the male sex. Namely, they are not so easily discarded as they age. From a very young age we girls are shown through every avenue of life, be it media or personal experience
that we have a shelf life. Once we get to a certain point in life we become sexually irrelevant and it's time to move aside for the younger models and learn to bake bread or knit or make ourselves useful in some other fashion. But we don't automatically shut off sexually
at that point as is evident by the sexual comments I get from men old enough to be my grandfather. So why do men feel like even at their ripe old age that it's fine to present themselves this way to much younger women when in fairness they should be paying attention...
to the women that are their age that they are no doubt married to? Entitlement. And so the next time a man asks me "how old is too old", I'll simply repeat what I've been repeating forever, "if you have to ask...there's your answer."
I have riled up the menfolk. And that's fine. I'm not going through the comments anymore. I said very clearly that this was about me, personally and trying to figure out why it bothers me. I'm not here to argue. I said what I motherfucking said.
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