Is wanting to be a big shot VTuber a bad thing?

I say this because I keep hearing that streaming for the fame is a selfish thing to do/calls out a lotsa red flags about the streamer.

But I really do want to make it big. To have quadruple digit followers someday. Is that weird?
I want to spread the energy and passion I have for so many things out to not only this community, but to the whole world at large. I want you guys to have fun and unwind and laugh along with what I do.

I want to make everyone's day better at best and less shitty at worst.
But here I have people around me who don't do it for the fame, despite being big already, and say that they just do it to do it, and that it's just fun.

And I'm here thinking: "Am I doing this wrong...? I'm not humble at all, am I...?"

It makes me feel like an asshole.
Because there are big streamers out there with even bigger hearts. They're selfless and compassionate people who give more than they get. They don't see themselves as big, nor do they want to be a superstar.

It makes me think that I'm going about this all wrong....
I love what I do, and I love our community, I don't and won't ever take anything I have for granted.

But I can't lie to myself. I want to be world famous and reach out to as many people as possible. I want to be up there with the big dogs. I want to teach and inspire-
A huge crowd of people. I want to entertain. I want to show them what it means to have a good time. I don't think the reasons behind my want for fame is a selfish one.

But it's the very DESIRE for fame that's making me question it all. Attention seeking is taboo right...?
Anyway. I wanted to pour my heart out on the table again. It's been eating me up all night and I had to put it somewhere.

Do you think me wanting to be famous is a bad thing? Please be honest. I want to know your perspective. Cuz I don't know if I'm being selfish or not here.
Who knows, maybe I'll delete this thread later....

I know numbers shouldn't determine self worth but.....

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