To whoever is looking at my profile because of my ex-wife, please stop. Outside the interactions I have with my kids, I have nothing to do with her - her life is her life and my life is my life.
What happened between me and her happened, but it is in the past - please do not try dragging up my past, because it has cost me many years of mental illness and a dependency on antidepressants to get to where I am.
I was never perfect in my marriage, and I have admitted my liabilities for the failure of the marriage. I was no saint, nor have I ever claimed to be. But importantly, neither was she.
I’m not blaming her for the failure of the marriage. If you want to know, DM me directly and we can talk. But I’m not dragging my past up again.
I’m not perfect. I made mistakes. But I learnt from them. I’m not the person I was back then, and I refuse to let my past define me.
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