[Recent article] Our paper on the challenges of the sharing economy diffusion has just been published in @J_o_SM

What is it all about and what are the key findings?

#sharingeconomy #collaborativeconsumption #peer2peer

Actors, that is customers and peer service providers, may face several reasons not to engage in the sharing economy, which may detrimentally affect the growth of such digital peer-to-peer services.
Our findings show that actors reject the sharing economy because of complex functional (complexity, value, and risks) and psychological barriers (compatibility, contamination, image, and responsibility).
Altogether, these findings may help firms identify the rejection factors or barriers that are likely to influence the participation of both market sides, which they should overcome to boost the adoption rate of their digital service.
You want to know more? The post-print version of the paper is available here: https://dial.uclouvain.be/pr/boreal/object/boreal:229289

Enjoy the reading! 😉
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