Our #podofthemorning is @curichildpod . I am prepared to learn and say aww.
This is already so cute! He has a homework schedule!
I rank the chocolates thusly:

1) Cookies and Cream
2) Chocolate Fudge
3) Dark Chocolate
4) Peanut Butter Chocolate.
5) Chocolate with Carmel

How do you rank your top five Chocolates?
For those, like me, who didn't know what Ruby chocolate looked like:
Butterscotch is an absolutely stellar flavor, but I'm not crazy about it in chocolate, I don't know why.
Oh snap, I'd be worth 100 coco beans. Oh history, you wacky duck.
Almond chocolate is a superb chocolate. But covered chocolate is elite. It adds complexity in flavor and texture.
That's why I like white chocolate, for the vanilla. Ironic, I know
This chocolate sound absolutely delicious. I wish I had some.
I will say it again, this is so cute. I will gladly listen to the other episodes and I hope y'all do the same!
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