What’s your craziest or most embarrassing drunk story?
I’m not a good drinker and I was at a club in Shanghai and we got too many free shots. Ended up with the club owner calling us a cab & me puking out of the cab on the way home. Thank god I’ll never see the driver again 😂✌🏻
This story still gives me a good laugh to this day. I was sitting there looking over at my friend like: I think imma need to open up the window 👉🏻👈🏻 and my friend being like: oh no you won’t -
me, out of the opened window while we’re driving: *bleurgh* HAHAHA
Also, me at a club (I don’t even need to be drunk) is basically either just me laughing at everything or I’m that one friend who randomly disappears and 10 minutes later my friends find me making out with someone HAHAHAHA I’m
🥺👉🏻👈🏻 I can hear everyone’s image of me shatter 🤣
That’s why I don’t really often go to clubs cause yeah HAHAHAHAHAHA 😇
Can’t wait for our next acnh date I need to play more aaaaa I was too busy playing final fantasy HAHAHA💦💦💦💘
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