Sis...I PROMISE that man is not threatened by your big beautiful brain. It’s the irritation of YOU overall that comes with it, that he couldn’t stand. Take it from a man. You’re annoying. Your personality ain’t as dope as your girls told you it was when he dumped you.
Now you can take this game and grow from it, or you can dismiss it and go with the narrative that makes you feel better about yourself on the surface level.

The choice is yours!
Y’all get into an argument where you’re dead wrong: You start to cry to distract him.

You give sex instead of an apology.

You pick arguments and “debates” out of thin air bc you gotta prove that you have a brain like he does, even though he honors your intelligence.
Your homegirls know all y’all damn business.

He addresses something you did wrong, and instead of just apologizing and leaving it at that, you gotta drag the argument to new heights, just so he “understand where you coming from”
You crying every five damn minutes because you’re imagining he feels a certain way that he never even hinted at feeling.
He just gave you five solid rounds and you harassing him all throughout the night for me even though he said he was tired. Yeah, you’re a rapist.

SO MANY AREAS that women fuck up in—yes, even you, in all of your brilliance and “supreme intelligence”—
But you misdiagnose it (intentionally) as “he just couldn’t handle me because I’m super smart”.

Congratulations, you just stunted your own growth.
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