King James Version Freemason Bible /Rosicrucian Work of Deception; At the ceremony you are asked "What do you seek?"
1st degree mason answer: "Light"
2nd degree: "More light"
3rd degree: "Further light"
Page 7 of thebook says how the "Bible" became a "great light". As you rise👇🏽
in rank you eventually discover this "light" you've been searching for is the "light-bearer" = Lucifer. Albert Pike explains more on the true doctrine being Kabbalism, that Lucifer is the good guy #Deception
Just as the Art Father says "On earth just as it is in heaven"
Satan inverts The Most Highs truth claiming "as above so below"
Fantasy Jesus with the code 33: 33 miracles and he died with 33 - Jesus really seems an invention of the Freemasons who have the 33 degree as their last degree of "initiation" - before the Freemasons were called "knight orders" of "Templars" etc.
now the number 33 is usually associated with Occultism. All worthy Masons swear an oath to destroy Christianity at all costs, whether you must lie, steal or kill, everything is jusitified.
The Freemason Bible begins on page 33, but towards the back of this book, there is Babylonian symbology & images of Egyptian gods & goddesses. Many people today, especially New Agers, claim this mystery religion is full of esoteric hidden truths.
Truths such as "Christ Consciousness", opening the 3rd eye, astral projection & more. #AgeOfAqaurius #RiseOfthephoenix #NWO
If the Luciferian Brotherhood of Freemasonry is so infatuated with the scriptures which were originally penned by Satanic Entities, perhaps it might be worth considering that the Bible is not what people think it is. But today, in a time when those Dogmatic warnings aren't taken
seriously anymore, the Masonic scriptures have overtaken Catholic Dogma as the authoritative teaching of the Catholic Religion and have caused all its followers to worship the Beast, exactly as prophesized.
How was the bible transcribed by the Occult?

an undercover recording of a Masonic ceremony. Lucifer's men make contact with the condemned on a ceremonial Black and White tiled floor (which represents the union between the living and the dead) and get all sorts of “wisdom” and “
guidance” from “the light.” Watch 👇🏽 and understand how this process works. The dead govern the Freemasons, tell them what to write down, and they write it. Then, they pass it off to humanity as “spiritual wisdom.”
Freemasons holding a séance with the dead on the black and white tiled floor which symbolizes the pathway between the living and the dead. Of course the Masonic priests that do this
aren't going to tell their flocks about this. They have taken a blood oath to keep what goes on in the Lodge a secret.
so shocking is how many Protestant leaders are actually high ranking Freemasons! Pat Robertson, Billy Graham,the Vatican II Popes,it is incredible! And they all have the same thing in common: they deny Dogma and push the bible as Heavenly Truth. NOTHING is further from the Truth.
The bible is worshipped at the Luciferian altar of Freemasonry and the Order of Eastern Star. It is a most clever mask since most people believe the Bible is the word of God, never to understand that Lucifer is the spiritual beneficiary of the Protestant “Dogma” of Sola Scriptura
The O.E.S. or Order of the Eastern Star is the women's version of the Masonic Lodge. Just as the Masonic Lodge hides behind the bible to deceive new members, gradually training them to be upstanding Luciferians,
the O.E.S. uses the same deceptive tactic. The O.E.S. logo even includes a bible on a Masonic altar in their logo: You would think someone would notice the similarity with the women's Masonic Lodge O.E.S. logo and the Satanic logo of Baphomet.
So what does the bible say about the bible?
In Matthew 24:14: 👇🏽 Logic dictates if you don't want the consummation of the world to come, don't preach the gospel of Lucifer's Kingdom on Earth. If you don't know what you are talking about, it's best to keep your mouth shut.
the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church is none other than the pagan mystery religion of ancient Babylon. #JesuitOrder1534 #RevivedFreemasonry1717
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