France is responsible for the assassination of 22 African presidents. 22.

That country is the thorn in Africa’s side. Each time a president comes up to try and become independent, they assassinate him and replace him with a puppet.
France forced African countries to pay taxes to them even after independence (Just like they did Haiti). They forced African countries to hand over their currency reserves to France and they limit their access to their own money. And forced them to use an old colonial currency
I’ve always said the way to true power is to take up arms. That’s why no one really messes with North Korea. Y’all ever heard of an African or Caribbean military superpower? Ever wondered why that is?

They sitting there powerless, having to put up with any shit Europeans give
You in your house, sitting on a top of gold bricks and don’t have a single gun. Ofc a man gonna waltz in your yard, take your shit and then force you to pay for protection (from them). There’s a reason they always trying to get other countries to “disarm”.
France don’t own a single natural resource but somehow they seem to control most of it. They’re literally still funded from institutional colonialism.
France even forced Haiti to compensate them for beating them in war. LMAO
Haiti had to pay US$21B for the "theft" of the slaves' and land. (Which of course was loaned to them by French banks and the American Citibank). They wrote off the last of the debt in 2010.

Imagine forcing a country to hand over their reserves to you, and then having to ask you for permission to access it. And if you nuh like what they using the money for, you can decline. LOOOOL that’s why the whole of them vex at China.
An African president can decide he wanna invest in a hospital, or some mining equipment of their own so that they don’t have to use European firms, and France would be like
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