I went for a walk/hike, I thought things would be better but people are even more brainwashed than a month ago here even in a village.

Everybody is wearing a mask even though you never walk close to other people.

They are all wearing masks even while driving in their car.

The more they watch TV, the more they listen the repetitiveness, the more they are hypnotized & create that pandemic reality around them.

This is very dumb & pathetic, there isn't really anything else to say.
Walking around NATURALLY became an act of REBELLION. 🤦‍♂️
The most ridiculous thing was to see parents walking around with masks but not their kids.

Their kids probably wouldn't accept it, have more common sense & less brainwashed anyway, they could wake their parents up so the government said kids don't have to wear it.
It was also ridiculous to see people wearing masks at their neck, not afraid of a "virus" but yet afraid enough of not having a mask on them & be punished by their masters if they get caught.
Yes, this thread is judgmental on purpose because blind stupidity due to brainwashing has to be pointed out, it is dangerous & I want to expose it freely.
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