या देवी सर्वभुतेषु तृष्णारूपेण संस्थिता । 
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥

She who abides in all beings as thirst;
Namasthasyai Namasthasyai Namasthasyai Namo Namaha ||
Imagine or Visualize the function of thirst in all beings. Thirst as a physiological phenomena to hydrate one's body. Thirst at the mental or psychological level to satiate the sensations or cravings. All that encompasses Trishna.
Adhibhoutika, Adhidhaihika and Adhyatmika-
are the three levels of manifestation of all life phenomena including diseases. Before diseases originate at the physical level- adhidhaika, the first vibrate as dense frequencies at the adhyatmika and adhibhuatika levels in the sookshma shareera and karana shareera according to
Ayurveda. Hence our treatment is not at the physical level.Its more holistic, addressing the cause of the imbalance at the causal level.
In this Devi stotram from Durgasapthashathi, one of Prakruthi's form is Trishna. Just one line captures Thirst in all beings. Not just human!
In our Samskruthi, offering water to anyone first is almost considered sacred. Or not offering water to someone including animals is deemed as paapa karma. Why? Because water is life. Apas. We see the life connection in water. And we see water connecting us all beings as well.
Trishna at the psychological level is the evolution we humans have, that keeps this world spinning round and round! She makes us all do the devilish dervish dance with our desires, aspirations, cravings. These desires or cravings can be broadly classified as Satwik, Rajasik and
Tamasic. I often try to understand people by the quality of their desires/aspirations. What's the core aspiration of this person?? In what direction is this force of desire impelling this person to move towards?
The aspirational quality of an individual, community and ...
Civilization can tell their stories of past, present and future.
Trishna or craving a material life leaves a civilization in misery. We see this happening globally. Short term need fulfillment has replaced long term well being.
More, More and some more is Tamasic Trishna
Inquiring ,understanding and acknowledging the nature of reality or prakruth in Her totalityi is the beauty of our shastras.
Trishna is a manifestation of prakruthi in all different forms.

Trishna Roopena Sarvabhuteshu Samsthithayai Namaha! ❣

Shall stop here ..
In our Samskruthi, we have the practice of giving Ganga Jal to a person on the verge of dying. This is symbolic of satiating the Trishna of that Jeeva in the present janma as Ganga is Pavani.
By drinking water, physical thirst is satiated for the moment. What is that which can satiate the endless cravings and desires?
Trishna is cyclical....just like the movement of sun, moon and stars in the physical universe.
When you are intensely thirsty, instead of drinking water instinctively, observe the nature of thirst! Yes observe thirst as a Rishi or Scientist...its fascinating to do so. Then when you drink water observe again how the thirst quenches!
I have noticed I dont need to drink so much water that I usually do if I observe my thirst...my body probably has already conserved oxygen by not reacting to thirst....
Sakshi Bhaava lowers Trishna! Or loosens the grasp or grip of Trishna...that's why they say, yogis can stay without food and water for long periods of time.
This thread feels like Hanuman's tail😄
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