Hello. I'm a 1994 liner mom with a 3 years old daughter with speech delay who draws monthly to pay bills and I get requested to draw Taehyung a lot.

Do you think I should be blocked and sued? For what reason, drawing him for people to use as their lockscreen and smile at it??
Some people argue with "Only the fanartist who drew the Simpsons drawing should have a saying to credit needed/not" doesn't that include you as well? How do you say that and yet you become such an ass, literally attacking fanartists? "throwing him under the bus" literally what?
I see a lot of you saying "We never know if he asked for permission privately already or not so don't assume" then why are you out there assuming things about fanartist wondering what's supposed to be natural for us?? Plus it developed to ATTACKING artists wow what on earth??
This situation is honestly getting ridiculous. It angered me this morning, now I'm just plainly tired and sad looking at how people are still arguing on my tl. People say "it's just a small percentage of people" yet why does it keep getting brought up? Hh I hope this passes soon.
That's it. End of thread I'm tired. https://twitter.com/Toastelle/status/1265136102538543105?s=19
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