Progressives love the, "this is [insert year here]" argument. It's a vacuous argument, but they always use it to construct the boundaries for in-group membership. Take the passage below.

They're talking prejudice into existence to create room for ever more punitive forms of
cultural control.

They aren't appealing for fairness or justice (both are timeless), they're trying to create a sense of anxiety in the reader about failing to keep up with what they contend is the type of socially acceptable rhetoric that qualifies one for membership of
the "I'm a good person" in-group.

Social validation is a crucial component of people's psychology, particularly in advanced civilisations which inevitably prompt a narrowing in the range of "acceptable opinions", which is why they incessantly weaponise it against them.
And they do that by contrasting the here and now with ever more recent periods of history that they irrationally problematise/catastrophise.
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