There’s inevitably going to be that decision - when a doctor has to choose which one of two patients will live or die. 1/?
The obvious answer to this is utilitarian - maximise results with those with a high rate of survival/best quality of life. How can a doctor conceive of ‘quality’ in such a short period of time? 2/?
Old vs the young? Wise over the unwise/immature? What is the cutoff for young and old? Likelihood of survival or a first come first serve system? That favours rich healthy white people over poor marginalised PoC. Should we abide by a system that is discriminatory? 3/?
The more you ask these questions the inescapable answer becomes clearer: there is no absolute answer.
There‘s no one right answer. In fact one might say that the situation we find ourselves in is absurd. That is almost nonsensical, irrational, and preposterous. 4/?
Religious morality has given us definite necessary answers to ethical questions. We should not kill. Not steal. Not lie.
However, how can we act with this certainty when every answer is contingent. That is it has exceptions.
We should not lie. But what if lying can save the lives of others. No ethical decision is certain. You will always pick the 'wrong' choice. 6/?
Normally we act with habit. But when it comes to making ethical decisions what should one do? Looking through these problems there’s almost always no right answer. 7/?
Ethical decisions are ultimately made with your gut - not of one made through a rational utilitarian calculation or sticking to some abstract duty. 8/?
This is what is absurd with life. Our fate is ridden with uncertainty, absurdity but, we must acknowledge this. Knowing there’s no absolute answer but always act is the prime condition of all humans. 9/?
We should act even if we’re completely uncertain of how we should act. One must live with your own disposition not to be ridden of it. Life will always be absurd, nonsensical, incoherent. We must learn to live through it. 10/?
Living through a pandemic is absurd.
Societal problems become more visible.
The answer to this is not how to act but to act. It is a choice between complacent inaction or immediate action. 11/?
The lack of certainty, clarity, confidence, reason is the basis of life. We have to live with this ‘anguish’. We have to reflect on this brilliant power that we have: to act in the face of crippling uncertainty. 12/?
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