Aside from our vetted pool of talented freelancers, we offer project estimation services to our clients as well.

Our services help clients have a better understanding of their software project and its final deliverables.

Here's what we do in our estimation document:
• We Relatively estimate a project's scope, budget, and timeline while considering:

_ The type of team our client wants to build (whether it's in-house or outsourced)

_ The team's velocity and professionalism
•• Outline the project's functional and non-functional requirements to determine the necessary technological requirements and lay the groundwork for future teams

••• Detail out the product's features and its final outcome based on our client's needs
Poor estimation is cited as a cause of failure in 28 percent of software projects.

While accurate project estimations:

_ Mitigate failure

_ Take away the uncertainty most software development projects have

_ Give clients a better sense of the project's what, how, and why
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