1/ This report basically reiterates HRW’s support and whitewash of murderous US sanctions. Some points https://twitter.com/TamaraTaraciuk/status/1265228438295777280
2/ HRW shamelessly depicts Vnzla as a potential regional threat due to COVID19 when it is cleary the shitshow response of Brazil & Ecuador that stand out above all others in region
3/ And of course the US response to COVID19 is such a shitshow that it threatens the world - 1/3 of active cases with only 5% of global population
4/ These facts alone would deeply implicate Venezuela’s neighbors (& their apoligists) for any spike in COVID19 that may (hopefully not) hit Vnzla but it’s more than that
5/ Trots out disgusting excuse that Trump’s 2017 sanctions preceded Vnzla’s econ collapse. That makes sanctions even more depraved!
6/ Attacking somebody vulnerable is worse than attacking somebody better positioned to defend themselves. Basic moral truism that evades all sanctions apologists like HRW
7/ By end of 2018 alone US sanctions linked to 40k deaths by Weisbrot & Sachs. @frrodriguezc told me he’d attribute 1/3 of that to sanctions. But US repeatedly intensified then since Jan/2019
8/ Much more can be said but lets focus on HRW’s appeal for “UN-led humanitarian intervention”. Basically HRW wants what the US achieved in Haiti since 2004
9/ In Haiti the US managed to get the big powers to collaborate with the destruction of Haiti’s democracy. Hence a UN force gave cover to brutal dictatorship
10/ Worth remembering that the 2004 coup in Haiti was directly perpetrated by US troops - not even a standard US-backed coup that had plagued the region
11/ in addition to the dirty war against Aristide (Lavalas) partisans that killed thousands following the coup, UN negligence brought a lethal cholera epidemic that killed ~10k Haitians
12/ HRW never called the US installed dictorships in Haiti by their proper name and spent YEARS conspiculously sitting out the struggle to hold the UN accountable for cholera. That’s the kind of thing HRW wld back in Venezuela
13/ prior to 2004 Haiti - against long odds- was not a safe place for this death squad leader- now it is thx to what US with UN & HRW cover “achieved” in Haiti https://mobile.twitter.com/Jacquiecharles/status/1265305658372558859
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