People are so stupid. I saw a bunch of people, who I recognise so I know they don’t live together, just out on their bikes. Close together, 10000% not social distancing. I also saw two other people the next day (again, I recognised them, so I know they don’t live together)
and they where just walking along next to each other. Again, definitely not social distancing.

Yes, ok, I get you want to see your friends, and that’s fine. But go speak to them online. Use something like @discord to talk to people. Don’t go out and risk people’s lives.
And, before I get people being like “yOu cAn LeAvE tHe HoUsE”, yes, you can, but for an exercise. On your own or with people in your household. You can’t just go out and talk to your friends for hours and get to close to people and stuff.
Also, people who are going to beaches... don’t! People are dying from that (see: and people don’t seem to care. There are clear signs that say not to go into the water, but for some reason people do:
Also, I don’t see why they can’t just close beaches. Have someone stand there that says: “No, leave. The beaches are closed.” Or have something that blocks off the area.
Sorry about the rant. I just needed somewhere to write all this. I’ll add more stuff to this thread if I find anymore things that annoy me about what people are doing during this pandemic.

Stay safe,

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