Was just thinking about English names that are most difficult to pronounce in Germany.

Craig / Greg (my husband can’t tell these apart)

And other way around

Ute (mum used to call a friend of mine Ooty) and other names that end in -e
People here sometimes address me as Frau Noth-egger because they think ‘Lynn’ sounds English so the th must belong together.
When we lived in Scotland, my (then 13yr old) daughter told folk that her name was pronounced like it Winnie the Pooh was telling off his sidekick for being naughty.

No Tigger!
So many responses! A lot of Germans have said that Brits and Americans have difficulty with names that have a lot of vowels. Uwe, Ute, Manuela, Beate... any linguistic scholars or speech therapists have an opinion on this?
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