I see many are mad at the views of WN docu in YouTube. Tbh I expected such numbers for many reasons.

#1 it was uploaded it in an account the last time it was used was 10 years ago with less than 1M subscribers
#2 small promotion. U can rarely find articles, Especially in Korea.
#3 the group is still kinda on hiatus, even with this, it's from old era.
#4 many fans are offline, watch many come later surprised a documentary was released and didn't know about it.

They've should've uploaded it on BIGBANG channel, it's way bigger and it's contain all...
All members videos already, so why suddenly change it to solo accounts that u never used before? Also do put more news about, even YG life that put articles from everywhere about their artists only released 1 article about it! Just one. So the result is expected.

Either ways, if you still didn't watch the latest ep of Taeyang's White Night Documentary, please take 10 minutes and see him here

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