So, (more) realistic flight sims are a bit of a journey.

Put some hours into DCS world and mistakenly figured flying a Frogfoot can't be that hard.
Took me 20 minutes to get moving. As in, actually manage to get the plane functional and have some idea of what's happening. The startup sequence is a 3-step process. Oh well.
Add another 15 minutes before I actually find my way to the runway. This is a small, single-runway airport (Anapa). Over these 15 minutes I've managed to burst the right rear tyre and have run into the grass while doing a u-turn twice. But I made it.
Takeoff went smooth... ish. Pulled back too early so it was a bit bouncy, but sure. Takeoff is easy enough though: go really fast and the plane does the rest. We'll just ignore that I cut in front of another plane because I couldn't brake in time, and wasn't cleared. Details.
So I figured since I had no idea how to operate... Well, anything on this plane, I figured I'd better turn around and land. By some miracle I managed to find the airport again (thought I'd been flying runway heading... Not quite). Commence landing, without clearance once again.
So turns out touching down at 400+km/h isn't brilliant. Doing so at the *end* of the runway isn't brilliant either. Stubbornly trying to use the wheel brakes because you're unaware the SU-25T has a chute doesn't help either.
End result: skidded sideways off the end of the runway into a truck. I might be in a burning wreck, but I'm on the ground and stationary. Works according to specification, ticket closed. The burning wreck is a ground crew problem now.
Over the course of some practice I've managed to run out of fuel, have the autopilot just about fly me into the ground, redout, blackout, stall the plane on multiple occasions, and plant myself into a mountain because I couldn't see out of the cloud I was flying in.
My landings have gotten better though. I still skid off the runway, but the last attempt only cost me my landing gear. Progress! 10/10 would recommend flying with Tamagotchi Air, only a 75% chance of horrible deadly accidents.
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