I’ve literally only left the flat for food or for a walk, I’ve adhered to the lockdown because I believe it’s necessary to stop the spread + for my own health. Yet friends are freely ignoring social distancing and posting about it & I’m made to feel bad for not doing the same?!
If you’re condemning Cummings and haven’t followed guidelines yourself, you’ve lost moral high ground. A lot of people are or were being paid to not be in work that is not pay to get pissed in on a beach or in a park with mates.
I’m getting sick of being talked to like an idiot for making necessary decisions for my own health. I’m getting sick of people telling me I’m stupid for working from home and socialising remotely during a global pandemic.
But most of all I’m sick of people sharing their flagrant disregard for the social distancing measures and their belief that their decisions only affect them. I can’t stop people from doing what they’re doing, but people almost seem PROUD to be doing it. Like an act of defiance.
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