That tweet encouraging women to cheat on these men reminded me of how selfish men can be, at every given opportunity.

A thread.
Growing up in Chipata, my Gogo had a neighbour that she was close to (they lived in Moth). This woman could even confidently say pabantu and defend her husband because she believed he was different from the others. She didn't face the marital issues her friends faced
By 17:25hrs each day, latest 17:30hrs, her husband was back home. Never slept out, never abandoned the house. He was the perfect husband
So this particular day, another friend of theirs went and asked to be accompanied ku court by my Gogo and the happily married friend. She explained to Gogo on the side to say she couldn't tell the friend, but she overheard that the perfect husband had a child support related case
Indeed next day, they went mu court, sat kumbuyo and started listening in as the Judge asked his questions. Saw ba perfect husband go mu box and she still believer it could be a mistake or misunderstanding. Questioning and explaining started..
Turned out this man only used to work till 12hrs each day, and when he knocks off, would go straight kuli ba Mai Nini. Their houses weren't far apart so 17hrs on the dot, he would leave as though he just knocked off and head home. He did this for over 6yrs and had 3 children
With Mai Nini. The wife never suspected a thing. The issue came in because Mai Nini wanted more, and also wanted to be included in the records at work so she can inherit something in the event he died. He knew that would bring problems at home hence started withdrawing bit by bit
Kaya how they resolved it, but that to me revealed the cruelty of men. His wife kept looking like a fool and had so much faith and love for her husband, reason why she never allowed anything negative near her ears. I don't think she ever forgave him, I know I wouldn't
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