People blew that Doja Cat situation out of proportion. This is a lesson for me not to take something I read on twitter at face value. A great example of how your position in life can easily be hurt by the mistakes you create along the way.
I'm not saying what she did was okay, just that the details on the issue itself was misleading to sensationalize it.
Lots of people have hung out in internet forums where some people troll. It happens. Tinychat is public platform, like facebook, people can come and go. Racist trolls exists, people made it seem like she was on  or some shit 😂
I mean, fuck, Cardi B drugged men and robbed them, but she's literally best friends with Bernie Sanders and does political videos with him. See man, nobody's perfect. You gotta judge people by the sum of everything they are.
At least Doja Cat admitted to her flaws in her apology, I can respect that. She knows she did some fucked up shit for the sake to be edgy or whatever, but she's only hurting herself. I can't get mad at every person who wants to troll and not take shit seriously.
Idk man, think of this what you will. I know there's a lot to cover with this kind of thing, but after watching and reading a bit on it, I think a lot us are misinformed about the details (like I was). I think she just needs a little help, & I'm glad she admits it was fucked up.
I'm a little drunk so whatever comes of this thread in the morning is what it is 🤖
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