Growing up & race thread -

I kinda just feel like talking about the racial aspect of my upbringing rn as it has had a huge impact in my life.

As some of you all may know by my brief bio thread, I had grownup w/a racist dad & stepmom.

I’m not entirely sure of what it was 1/15
But I’ve never been able to understand them on that.

Thinking of this reminds me of the times I’d get talked to by my dad when I’d listen to rap, hangout w/ people who were black/Hispanic & get questioned like I did when I brought a mixed gf over.

It also reminds me about 2/15
The fact that about half of more than half of the people I loved were not of my color- even the majority of my ex’s weren’t white.

Needless to say this effected the very nature of my upbringing as I couldn’t openly hangout w/ people who were black, Mexican, or Mid Eastern 3/15
It’s actually influenced some of the potential relationships I could’ve had as I once opted for a Filipina girl as to a black girl as I was afraid at the thought of bringing the black one home w/ me had we dated. It also caused me fo regrettably turn down another girl 4/15
for that very same reason, I had regretted these two unfortunate things as it led me to what end up to be a rebellious relationship w/ the Filipina girl. (All of this was during high school).

I’ll keep this brief but my upbringing was not only weird as a result to this 5/15
but I’ve offended joked that I grew up “rich but poor” as I grew up w/ in a nice house & nice cars. The major difference being I never went on family vacations, was lucky to celebrate any holidays together, hated my bdays. I’d maybe have 0-5 home cooked meals a Year & 6/15
99.99% just have microwaved food & use plastic utensils which is why I’ve actually written how people grewup w/a silver spoon in their mouth while I grew up w/ plastic in mine.

We also didn’t have the usual living & dining room as you’d call it but rather we had an arcade 7/15
machine & a pinball room. I actually don’t even know what you’d call if usually- so we basically had no furniture whatsoever other than barstools & our beds & desk chairs.

Making this more bizarre, I wasn’t allowed to watch & play sports by my dad for what I believe are 8/15
Stereotypically related- I even remember wanting a soccer ball for Christmas which caused a discussion between my dad & stepmom & well... I got a laptop instead.

I couldn’t even get a skateboard & would end up getting it w/ money I earned from chores then just hide 9/15
The skateboard in the bushes behind the house.

Back to the race stuff- it was actually my Peruvian ex & her parents I couch surfed w/ for a few weeks

Fast forwarding a bit - Memphis
I kinda dunno what to say other than I was a definite ethnic minority which I don’t care 10/15
Care about- only exception being when I’d get denied employment opportunities based on my skin color as I’d score interviews & never get it less it was a temp agency.

It was interesting befriending people who were once bloods & crips & befriending people who were gay which 11/15
Nothing I cared about anyway as one of my fav people in school was gay- I just never cared about one’s sexuality unlike my dad.

I’ve briefly mentioned Nashville & won’t say much but the people who’ve effectively saved my life were black- I’ll give more context soon 12/15
Fast forward a bit- when I was in San Diego, it was kinda the same thing but w/ more Hispanics, i actually managed to get into a relationship there w/a Hispanic lady but she ended it quickly for some reason.

Seattle - this has been a rather interesting one as I’ve been 13/15
All over. When I was homeless it was a mix so it was difficult to say.
When I was couch surfing & started renting I lived w/ people of mid eastern heritage. When I lived in Labateyah it was a mix but my roommate who’d later be my roommate in Burien was Native American. 14/15
I’ve to actually look into it a bit more again but Labateyah is a thing thanks to the United Indians of All Tribes , so in short the Native American community actually helps the homeless here.
Thread is getting long as is so I’ll sum it up - I’ve mostly worked w/ people who 15/15
Extra stuff 1 - This thread basically explains why my relationship w/ sports is ruined & why I’ve a better relationship w/ martial arts & rugby.

What i forgot to include is that their over materialism has to this day effected my sense of having a family.
Extra stuff 2- It has also influenced my relationship w/ video games which is partially why I’m just not much of a gamer so I tend to crave a connection w/ others more - which is difficult to do & initiate as an unconventional INFJ
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