
1. Seeing discussion of the cost of Big Finish on my timeline, so let's break down what people like me mean when we say "Big Finish are overpriced".

Volume 1 of "The Tenth Doctor Adventures", a perfectly good set of 3 episodes of season 4 nostalgia, costs £24.99 to/
2. download.

The 15 episodes from "Voyage of the Damned" to "The Next Doctor" costs £14.99 on Amazon instant video. £10 less for 5 times as much content with the same characters.
3. "But Scarves" you may be thinking, "series 4 is 12 years old, of course it's cheaper than a recent Big Finish boxset."
It's a valid point. So let's compare to a fairer example: the most recent series of New Who.
4. Series 12 costs £19.99 on Amazon Instant video. 3 times as many episodes for £6 less. And Series 12 was released this year, while Volume One of "The Tenth Doctor Adventures" was released in 2017.
5. Big Finish are overpriced. They produce a lot of good content, and I'm sure most of the people who work for the company are very nice people. But some fans (not most, but some) will claim you're "not a true fan" if you don't keep up with Doctor Who EU content/
6. / or will claim they’re “better” fans than people who have consumed less EU content than them.

And if parts of a fandom say you need a certain amount of disposable income to be a “true fan”, then those parts of fandom have issues with gatekeeping and classism.
7. To be clear: I don’t pirate Big Finish. I just don’t listen to them any more. Given that, as far as I can tell, most of their content is enjoyable but not groundbreaking nostalgia pieces for decades old television, I’d rather just watch the old television/
8. / which I either own or is available for free on iplayer.
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