A few days ago, I posted a reply to a good user’s post about how I believed more scenes in Paper Mario Colour Splash can be considered horror material just like Origami King’s intro.

A reply that unfortunately attracted some amount of negativity...
In summary, some called me a coward for being scared of a Mario game, while others thought I was unfunny for not seeing the humour in these scenes

This thread is for setting the record straight on these comments and misconceptions. (If anyone finds this)
First the coward part:
At no point have I ever said this game scares me.

Go ahead a find all my tweets on Colour Splash and not only will you find no such fear, but also that I’ve finished the game just fine.
Things can catch us off guard, depictions can leave striking implications, but they are never lasting.

If you knew a mere straw can end your life or leave you an empty husk, how would you feel? That’s why I found these scenes unfunny.
This leads to the unfunny part:
Listen, here’s something I think most of you know about me already: While I like jokes, humour, and making people laugh...

I don’t engage in what’s known as “Inappropriate Humour”
I personally don’t find fun an excuse to pass the boundaries of what we call “Social Responsible”.

There’s a reason Inappropriate Humour is called that way: It’s inappropriate. Why would I want to leave others feelings uncomfortable? Disturbed? etc.
So I’m sorry, but I don’t see anything funny or laugh-provoking (even years later) in someone absorbing another’s essence through a straw until they go blank. That’s just how I am.

Just because that’s how I see such depictions in Colour Splash, doesn’t make me an unfunny person.
That’s all I have to say.

I’ve always known and accepted that I’m the odd ball of most conversations, but that doesn’t mean I’ll accept being treated as if I’m “thinking/seeing things wrong”.

I am who I am. You either accept that, or be the bully.
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