YES this has been on my mind a lot lately.
also fuck people who shame you wanting to change *for yourself* because "you just need to learn to love yourself as you are" but what if me loving myself is allowing myself to change??
also, let's mention exercise. when I started long distance running and otherwise working out, I got comments like "you don't need to exercise, you're skinny" hm, where do I start?
1) people can exercise for enjoyment. yes, it is possible to not hate the exercise you're doing!
2) nobody needs anybody's approval for exercising. similarly, there is no approval needed if you want to stop.

3) in addition to enjoyment, there's about 100 reasons to exercise which do not include "to get skinny". because guess what, workout out makes you strong/toned/fit.
some people just cannot understand that others may lead a primarily healthy lifestyle because they actually like it. I, for one feel a million times better since I started making healthier choices. no, not to lose weight. and no, I don't hate it.
well this thread went into a completely different direction from the quoted tweet, but I thought this was a fine morning to share some things that I feel strongly about.☀️
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