ROUND 1: #LuckyDipFPL cup.
The first round (32 teams) will be choosing from 2011-12 this week. As always, I have selected a historical gameweek and it's your job to predict the top scorers in order. Instructions below....
Pick your top 3 from the 6 players below. If your picks include the top scorer, you get 3. If you have 2nd (2) and 3rd (1), plus a bonus pt for the correct order. To prevent any unfortunate draws each week I'll ask for a substitute in brackets. Answer reveal in 48hrs (Thu)...
Pick from...
Tim Cahill, Samir Nasri, Louis Saha, Antonio Valencia, Clint Dempsey and Fernando Torres.

Example answer:
1. Valencia
2. Torres
3. Dempsey
(Sub: Nasri)
I'll retweet a reminder in 24hrs. Feel free to banter here - but nothing that might affect choices etc. In case of a draw, sub comes into play, after that, fastest answer first (very unlikely).

Last thing, this is the most information you'll get - no fixtures, no teams etc. It's meant to be punty and not a game for planning, just go with your gut or your faded FPL memories!
A reminder of the draw.
You can follow @FplRichard.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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