If you are struggling to believe in your dreams and boldly chase them,

Then you need to read this.

In a short while, I'll be telling you the story of a woman who changed the world in an unbelievable way.

Shortly after she was born in 1880, she suffered an illness that took
away her ability to see and hear.

This hampered her education.

But because she was determined to learn and her parent wanted the best for her, they invested in getting private teachers.

It wasn't an easy process.

Since she could not see or hear, her first teacher taught her
sound by touching her tongue and throat.

Her second teacher, Anne Sullivan, who became her lifelong partner, eventually succeeded in teaching her how to spell.

The process was to spell out the words on her palm.

With grit and dedication, she picked up the lessons
And by 22, she had published her first book.

She later went on to publish 11 other books and numerous articles.

She also received presidential award of freedom.

Was the first deaf blind person to earn a Bachelor's degree,

She founded an international foundation
that is currently present in 22 countries and is ranked amongst the most impacting charities in the world,

She was a world renowned speaker, traveling around the world to 35 countries and five continents delivering her speech

Remember she was deaf and blind.
She met with presidents and dignitaries.

In 1999, Time Magazine named her amongst the 100 most influential people of her time.

This woman is Helen Keller.

I first read about Hellen Keller in 2006.

Her story fascinated me.

How she went against all odds and still carved a name
for herself in the world.

Today, I woke up and began to think about all the excuses we make up for not chasing our dreams.

I'm shy.

I don't like publicity.

I don't know how to sell.

I don't want people to say things about me.

I don't have money.

I don't have connections
I don't have a mentor...

Is there any other?

How about this:

You have your eyes, hands, ears and mouth.

You have a phone that practically connects you to the world.

You have google that is sprawling with free contents to learn.

You have YouTube.
You have opportunities to learn skills for free.

You have a brain that is working.

A mind that is sound.

You have a God who cares about you.

You have all of this, but there is one more thing:

You need to have a dream.

You need to have a burning desire that pushes you to
move against all odds.

You need a definite purpose that keeps the fire burning in your bones every time.

No wave of adversity is strong enough to capsize the boat of a dreamer.


The things that bedevil you also threaten other people.

But that is life's way of separating
the men from the boys.

You either level up, make that dream a reality and live a life of wealth and fulfilment,


You sit back, whine, complain, make excuses and stay miserable.

It is a choice you alone will make.

The world will only make way when your dream is stronger
than its limitations.

I dare you today to rise.

I dare you today to pick up the pieces.

I dare you today to dream.

I dare you today to wake up and chase that dream.

No one, absolutely no one is the boss over your destiny.

You are the architect of your fate.

Will you rise?
If you want to see how Hellen Keller learned to speak, here is a video of her lifelong friend and partner, Anne Sullivan, explaining it.
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