exo ot9 as indomie flavors

cr. pict from google and pinterest
Mungkin di luar sana udah ada bahkan udah banyak yang bikin ginian tapi ini versi w sendiri ya
xiumin - indomie hype abis chitato

- limited edition
- sekali coba langsung cinta
suho - real meat rendang

- ellegant packaging
- mahal bos
- the upgraded version of everyone’s favorite
lay - indomie soto lamongan

- not everyone knows about this but this stuff be GOOD
- rich flavor
baekhyun - indomie rendang

- pelarian saat bosen sama kehidupan
- basically everyone’s favorite
- bumbu on point
chen - indomie mie aceh

- kicks you without warning
- the one that can make you scream
chanyeol - indomie goreng

- the OG
- the best of the best
- auto sumringah
D.O. - indomie ayam bawang

- favorit segala kalangan usia
- seberapa sulit kalian mencoba untuk membencinya pasti gagal
kai - mie soto

- yang kalian cari saat cuaca dingin
- famous even overseas
- siapa yang ga suka?
sehun - indomie hype abis ayam geprek

- caution: profuse sweating
- only the strong ones can handle it
end of thread
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